Privacy Policy

Issued: 1 August 2014

Who does this policy apply to and what does it cover?

We, Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club Limited (“the Club”) operate the licensed premises called Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club located at 26 Humphries Rd Wakeley NSW 2176.

We also operate websites including and social media associated with our venue and services.

This policy describes how we handle the “personal information” collected from members, guests and others.

Personal information means information or an opinion about an individual (who can reasonably be identified), whether the information or opinion is true or not, and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.

What is our privacy commitment to you?

We are committed to complying with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) by protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information and the personal information of all our members, guests and others.

When we collect, use, disclose, store, access or correct your personal information, our actions will comply with the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Where appropriate, we will handle personal information relying on the employee records exemption and the related bodies corporate exemption in the Privacy Act.

What kinds of personal information does the Club collect and hold?

We collect a wide range of personal information, and in some cases sensitive information, this includes:

  • A photo of you for your membership card;
  • your contact details including your occupation, date of birth and signature;
  • an image of your driver’s licence or other identification if you choose to scan your ID when entering the Club (all visitors to the Club have the option to not have their identification scanned);
  • details of your membership of the Club including any positions held by you at the Club or any complaints made by you or against you;
  • information about what goods or services you buy or receive from us including whenever you use your membership card;
  • details of your activities in the Club including your participation in social or sporting activities or your involvement with our sub-clubs;
  • health information including any medical conditions you may give to us to enable us to provide our facilities or services;
  • information connected to your use of our gaming machines (including your player activity statements and prizes you receive);
  • information about you related to a liquor or gaming self-exclusion or banning order about you from yourself, other clubs, ClubsNSW, a Liquor Accord, the Independent Liquor Gaming and Racing Authority or Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing;
  • things you say or do (or said about you) in connection with an incident or potential disciplinary proceedings;
  • your IP address and pages accessed on our website;
  • images or video and audio recording of you at our premises; and
  • if you apply for a job with us, the information in your resume and other information that you or your referees provide to us, including notes of our interactions with you and/or others in relation to your prospective employment.

From time to time, we may collect additional information related to surveys, specific promotions, services or activities. Wherever practicable, we will advise you of the information being collected and provide you with an opportunity to refuse the collection of information.

How do we collect your personal information?

Your personal information is collected as a result of your visits to (or dealings with) the Club. Information is collected by recording information that you provide to us, by electronic means and by the observations of our staff. We collect personal information when you:

  • visit the Club;
  • apply for, or renew, membership of the Club or request to use our services;
  • propose or second an applicant for membership;
  • purchase goods or services from us (and for example, use your membership card);
  • use our gaming machines or request to be excluded from using our gaming machines;
  • attend a function or show at the Club;
  • plan a function to be held at the Club;
  • participate in activities offered by the Club including raffles, competitions and promotions;
  • visit our website or one of the social media sites used by the Club;
  • are banned or removed from the Club or the gaming area;
  • use your Club membership card or another card issued by the Club in the Club;
  • receive or request sponsorship through programs such as ClubGRANTS;
  • are involved, witness or are connected to an incident at the Club or disciplinary proceedings of the Club; and/or
  • Obtain, apply for, or renew membership of a sub-club of the Club or participate in the activities of a sub-club of the Club.

In general if you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

We only collect personal information about you from you unless it is unreasonable or impractical to do so.

For example, it may be unreasonable or impractical to collect information from you when the information is provided by other members, our staff or the police.

Will I be notified that my personal information is being collected?

When we collect information from you we will take reasonable steps to notify you (or otherwise ensure that you are aware) of the following:

  • our identity and contact details;
  • the facts and circumstances of the collection;
  • details of any law that require or authorize the collection;
  • the purposes of collection;
  • the consequences if we do not collect the information;
  • that this policy contains information about how you can access or correct your information or make a complaint about the Club; and
  • whether we are likely to disclose the information overseas (and if so to which countries).

One way we notify you of the above is by making you aware of this policy.

If you give us personal information about others we ask that you tell them about this privacy policy.

Is the Club required by law to collect personal information?

As a registered club, we have a legal responsibility to collect certain information about our members and guests pursuant to: the Registered Clubs Act, the Corporations Act, Gaming Machines Act, Liquor Act, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act and Work Health Safety Act.

For example, when a person applies for membership of the Club we must collect details including their name and address. We must display this information on the Club’s notice board before our Board is able to consider the application for membership. We may also need to provide this information to members of the general public if a request is made under the Corporations Act.

Temporary members, guests of members and other visitors to the Club may be required to produce a recognised form of identification (such as a drivers licence or passport) to gain entry into the licensed premises. If you elect to use our electronic ID scanner, we will collect information from your ID at the time you enter the Club. More information about our electronic ID scanners appears below.

For what purposes does the Club collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information?

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information to operate the Club, carry out certain activities, provide products and services to members and guests and other members of the public and comply with our legal obligations. The purpose of collecting personal information is to:

  • consider applications and renewals of membership;
  • identify who comes to the Club and verify their age and address;
  • create registers as required by the Registered Clubs Act;
  • provide a safe environment for you, other members and guests and our staff;
  • provide services to members and their guests;
  • carry out accounting and finance requirements and legal and administrative reporting requirements;
  • operate functions at the Club;
  • carry out competitions and promotions;
  • perform gaming operations;
  • publish and distribute newsletters;
  • carry out marketing (including direct marketing);
  • offer and manage sponsorships including by supporting community sports and social events;
  • operate and support sub-clubs of the Club including publishing contact details of committee members;
  • conduct elections of the Board;
  • conduct disciplinary proceedings;
  • resolve a complaint;
  • assess an applicant’s suitability for employment; and
  • improve our services and increase membership of the Club.

What happens if you don’t provide your personal information?

If you don’t give us your personal information you may not be able to become a member of the Club or use the Club’s services or facilities.

You have the option of not identifying yourself or using a synonym when dealing with us. However, this will be limited to enquiries of a very general nature and only over the telephone or by email.

In most circumstances you will be unable to deal with the Club anonymously or with a pseudonym because of our obligations under the Registered Clubs Act.

How do we use your personal information?

We use your personal information primarily to allow us to carry out the activities and functions listed above. We also use your personal information for secondary purposes related to those activities or when allowed under the Privacy Act.

The Club may also use the personal information we collect from you for direct marketing of products and services to you including from third party suppliers. Such products and services may include the provision of newsletters, competitions, announcements, campaigns or information about entertainment at the Club or services offered by the Club.

You can refuse any direct marketing by contacting our privacy officer.

Does the Club disclose my personal information to others?

There may be times when we may need to disclose your personal information to third parties including our insurers, ClubsNSW, a Club sponsor, our legal or financial advisers or to other Club members. Personal information will only be disclosed to these parties for a purpose permitted by, the Privacy Act and/or this policy and your consent will first be obtained where appropriate.

We may need to disclose your personal information to third parties for the purposes of allowing us to carry out the activities listed above. For example, from time to time, we engage external companies to send direct marketing emails, carry out mail services, IT storage services and software related services. These external companies only have access to the information necessary to provide services to the Club. They are required to comply with the Privacy Act and must offer privacy standards comparable to those offered by us.

We will disclose your personal information if we are required or authorized to do so by law enforcement agencies, the Australian Electoral Office, the Department of Family Services or the Australian Taxation Office.


Is there surveillance at the Club?

The venue operated by the Club is subject to video and audio surveillance for security reasons including to monitor the safety of members, guests and employees and to protect our assets. The footage and audio recordings may be used in disciplinary proceedings and/or to investigate incidents and may be disclosed to our legal representatives, our insurers and law enforcements agencies.

Do I have to use the electronic ID scanner to enter the Club?

No. You are not in any way obliged to scan your identification. If you prefer you can simply manually enter your name, address and signature (as required by the Registered Clubs Act) into the terminal and present your identification to staff who will confirm your details.

What information is collected from the electronic ID scanners?

The current version of the electronic scanners used by the Club retains a full copy of your ID which means that the Club collects all the information recorded on your ID (which may include sensitive information).

This information is retained for at least three years to comply with our obligations under the Registered Clubs Act.

Our electronic ID scanners store data on site only in a password protected encrypted database.

Why does the Club use I.D scanners?

Under the Registered Clubs Act, we are required to maintain records of the name, address and signature of temporary members and guests over the age of 18. Previously, we provided paper registers that needed to be filled out by hand which was slow and cumbersome and wasted paper.

The Club now offers scanning terminals which are quicker and more efficient for temporary members and guests who want to enjoy the facilities of the Club but do not want to manually write in their details.

Scanners are a secure way of holding information and also help provide a safe environment for you, other patrons and our staff. The information collected may be passed on to the police or OLGR to assist in any investigation.

Scanners are also environmental friendly in that they have helped the Club reduce its paper usage and storage.

The collection of personal and sensitive information of the individuals who choose to scan their identification is reasonably necessary for the activities and functions of the Club above.

How do we hold and protect your personal information?

Personal information that is held by us is stored both electronically and by hard copy.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is safe and secure from unauthorised use and disclosure whether such information is stored electronically or in hard copy.

Information that is stored electronically on our servers is restricted and password protected and only accessible to relevant employees.

Information from the guest and visitor sign in registers is initially stored in a restricted access area and then in a locked room.

Video surveillance is stored on our digital recorders which are maintained in a restricted access area and password protected.

Your personal information is securely destroyed when it is no longer needed or when it is out of date.

Are we likely to disclose personal information overseas?

It is unlikely that we will disclose your personal information overseas. However, if you agree to information being put on our websites then this could be accessed by anyone in Australia and by persons in other countries.

Using the Club’s websites

The website and social media sites operated by us may collect personal information for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy. They may also use cookies.

Any information collected as a result of your use of websites operated by us will be handled in accordance with this privacy policy.

The website and social media sites operated by us may contain hyperlinks to other websites including those operated by third parties.

The links are provided for reference only. We do not have any control over these external websites. We are not responsible for the content on these sites or the privacy practices adopted by these sites.

What does this policy mean?

By attending the Club or participating in an activity with us, you consent to the terms of this policy.

From time to time, your additional consent will be sought for the collection, use or disclosure of information for purposes other than as set out in this policy.

If you do not agree to any part of this policy or do not wish to receive direct marketing information from the Club, please contact the privacy officer listed in this policy.

How do I access, update or correct the personal information held by the Club about me?

You can request access the personal information we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer.

We will not charge you for making the request. However, we may need to charge you for our time to answer your request. We will advise you in advance if there are to be any charges associated with complying with your request.

We will respond to your request in a reasonable time frame (usually not more than 30 days). When you request access we may need further information from you to verify your identity.

There are a number of reasons why we may be unable to give you access to your information. If we are not able to provide access to your information we will provide you with our written reasons.

If you believe any of the personal information that we hold about you is incorrect you can ask us to correct it.

If asked to correct your personal information we will take reasonable steps to correct the information to ensure that it is accurate, up to date, relevant and not misleading. If we refuse to correct your personal information we will give you written reasons.

How do I make a complaint about privacy at the Club?

If you believe we have breached the Privacy Act or any of the Australian Privacy Principles or if you want to raise any issues you may have about privacy at the Club please contact our Privacy Officer.

In making a complaint to the Club about privacy, please give us enough details to be able to identify your concerns and response appropriately. You must provide us with your name and contact details and a description of your complaint. We will respond to you in a reasonable time frame (usually not more than 30 days). If you are unhappy with how we handle the complaint you have a right to take the complaint to the Information Commissioner.

How do I contact the Privacy Officer at the Club?

You can contact the privacy officer by:
Phone: 02 9604 9975
Post: PO Box 55 Canley Heights, NSW 2166

Courtesy Bus Policy

Issued: March 2023
Version 4

The purpose of this policy is to ensure clarity around the requirements travelling in the Club Courtesy bus. This policy has been developed to display transparency, accountability and integrity and the Board has endorsed this policy based on these principles.

  • The Courtesy bus operates for all members living within five kilometres of Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club
  • The Courtesy Bus is for members and family members of Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club only.
  • Pick up and drop off points must be a residential address or public transport facility only.
  • All pickups and drop offs must from the curb side of the street, entry into units and townhouses cannot be accessed
  • All passengers are required to wear seatbelts
  • All Passengers must wait for the Courtesy bus driver’s assistance before exiting the vehicle
  • All bookings are to be made and documented in the Bus Book prior with either the bus driver reception both for pick up and drop off.
  • Membership card is to be swiped upon booking and the bus voucher to be handed to the driver before boarding
  • Every attempt will be made to adhere to schedules, but times may vary without notice.
  • Rules and regulations which apply within the facility of Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club, also extend to the confines of the Courtesy Bus.
  • The courtesy bus driver is authorised to eject, any person in breach of Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club rules and regulations.
  • Offensive language, objectionable behaviour, smoking, and the consumption of food or beverages are not permitted on our Courtesy Bus.
  • Routes may be altered without notice at the discretion of the driver.
  • All users of the courtesy bus are subject to the provisions in the Clubs constitution.
  • Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club Staff reserve the right to refuse service on the courtesy bus if they feel that safety is a concern to themselves or others using the service.
  • Our Courtesy Bus will be in service between Wednesdays 17.00-22.00, Thursdays 16.30-24.00, Fridays 16.30-01.00, Saturdays 14.00-01.00 & Sundays 16.00-24.00.
  • Operating hours may vary on Public Holidays and Special Events( e.g Shows)

No children under the age of 7 Years are not permitted on the courtesy bus under any circumstances

  • Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club Staff reserve the right to refuse accepting minors on the courtesy bus if they feel that safety is a concern


  • No children under the age of 7 Years are not permitted on the courtly bus under any circumstances
  • Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club Staff reserve the right to refuse accepting minors on the courtesy bus if they feel that safety is a concern

House Policy

Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club is committed in the community to ensure its facilities will be operated in accordance with the Responsible Service of Alcohol Guidelines set by Clubs NSW in conjunction with the Liquor, Gaming & Racing ( OLGR), Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club is committed to Harm minimisation and meet community expectations by :

The Management and Employees of this Club are committed the responsible serving of alcohol by adhering to the following guidelines.
  • Management and Staff will require the presentation of proof of age cards and other appropriate forms of identification before proving services to persons suspected of being minors (underage).
  • The Club recognises that it is against the law to serve or supply alcohol to any person under the age of 18 years old
  • The Club recognises that it is against the law to allow intoxicated , disruptive or violent behaviours occur on the Club premises
  • This Club seeks to ensure that no harm comes to patrons as a result of service of alcohol
  • This Club seeks to create an environment that discourages drunken, disruptive or violent behaviour
  • Low alcohol beers and non-alcoholic beverages are stocked and promoted
  • Staff have been acquainted with this house policy and trained to implement it
  • Staff will refuse to serve a patron if in their opinion they feel the person is intoxicated
  • It is an offence by law, to be intoxicated on Club premises, after being refused service
  • Safe transportation option for patrons (supply of a courtesy bus)
  • The Club does not allow intoxicated person to enter the Club premises.
  • All staff will be required to have current RSA competency cards prior to employment with Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club and will be required to actively identify and notify their Supervisor or Duty Manager of any person they suspect as approaching intoxication.
The following drinks will not be sold or supplied after 11pm of each trading day:
  • Any drink (commonly referred to as a ‘shot’, a ‘shooter’ or a ‘bomb) that is designed to be consumed rapidly.
  • A “two alcoholic drink limit” will be applied to all customers after 9pm in the Joe Kiernan Room.
  • Cessation of alcohol service 30 minutes prior to close.
  • Free water will be available from our bars at all times from designated self-service easy access water points.
  • Off premises or Bottle Shop sales will cease from Midnight on all evenings except Sundays which will cease at 10pm.
Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club will initiate these practices by:
  • We will deny entry or service to anyone we believe is already intoxicated.
  • Preventing intoxication by recognising the signs of intoxication and refusing to serve anyone to the point of intoxication.
  • Preventing under-age drinking by insisting on the production of acceptable documentation such as a current photo driver’s licence, passport or proof of age card as detailed in the Australian ID Checking Guide.
  • Implementing, monitoring and modifying the House Practices on an on-going basis.
Our responsible serving practices aim to:
  • Prevent under-age drinking.
  • Prevent intoxication.
  • Prevent violent or disruptive behaviour.
  • Prevent drink driving.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure all employees are aware of our legal and moral obligations in relation to the
responsible service of alcohol. We aim to foster responsible service of alcohol practices amongst our patrons and employees.
This is achieved by implementing and maintaining various harm minimisation and consumer protection measures as outlined
in this policy.


This policy applies to:

  • All Employees


Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) refers to the service, consumption and promotion of alcoholic products in a manner that
minimises the potential harm that may be caused by alcohol consumption to individuals, their families and the community

  • We recognise that it is against the law to serve any person to intoxication
  • We recognise that it is against the law to serve or supply alcohol to any person under the age of 18
  • We recognise that it is against the law to allow intoxicated, disruptive or violent behaviour to occur on the premises
  • Additionally, we seek to ensure that no harm comes to patrons as a result of our service of alcohol


Employees must comply with following general policies and measures to fulfil our stated responsible service of alcohol

  • We offer a range of drinks on premises. These include a range of non‐alcoholic beverages and low alcohol beers
  • As part of this policy we discourage excessive drinking. We do not serve shots or doubles (seek assistance from DM for
    premium spirits)
  • Iced water is provided on a complimentary basis both self-serve and on request
  • We seek to create an environment that discourages drunken, disruptive, violent or anti-social behaviour
  • We do not seek to encourage rapid or excessive consumption of alcohol through pricing
  • We seek identification from persons who appear under age and follow procedures to detect and deter under age persons
    entering the premises for illegal purposes
  • We refuse entry or service to intoxicated persons
  • We discourage drink driving and promote our courtesy bus facilities, willingness to arrange transport and to hold keys in a
    safe place
  • Employees have been acquainted with this policy
  • Our Club displays all legally required RSA signs
  • We are an active member of the Cabramatta Liquor Accord

All employees are responsible for identifying situations which may contravene our responsible service of alcohol
commitment. In the event that this occurs the employee should take appropriate action by refusing service, notifying their
supervisor or duty manager. If a patron fails to leave when asked the police should be called and the patron may be fined.

Any incidents that relate to our responsible service of alcohol, regardless of whether they seem minor, must be recorded in
the incident register. Any employee in breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.

Responsible Conduct of Gaming

To promote the Responsible Service of Gaming Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club has a policy which complies with the various acts of Parliament that apply to the Registered Clubs Industry. The Club has also adopted responsible gambling and harm minimisation measures in accordance with the ClubsNSW Gaming Code of Practice. The Club will promote the social and economic benefits of responsible gambling and the gaming industry. This policy will be implemented for the benefit of our members, their guests and the community in general.

Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club encourages responsible practices in advertising and promotions to ensure that the Club is not providing inducements to gamble. The Club will ensure the provision and use of gambling products occur in a safe and enjoyable manner. The Club will prioritise customer welfare and sustainable gambling activities. Signage to promote Responsible Gambling and where to seek help are posted in the gaming area and also throughout the Club. 

Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club will not under any circumstances provide cash on credit cards or the cashing of cheques.

Members and/or visitors to Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club have the right to exclude themselves from the Club. In order to provide support and advice, the Club’s Managers are trained to be a confidential point of contact for the club’s patrons, or the families of patrons, who believe they may have a problem with gambling. Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club encourages those patrons who self-exclude from keep in contact with the Club so that the club can assist wherever possible.

Providing information and training to Club staff on problem gambling is essential. The concept of patron and employee care can help reduce problem gambling in the Club. Staff are trained to ensure discretion in matters involving problem gamblers